Mens Group Bocce Ball

Mens Group Bocce Ball

Men of the congregation are invited to join the Men’s Group for an evening of fellowship and some very non-competitive bocce ball in the beer garden at Obed and Issac’s (500 S. 6th St Springfield) Thursday, October 3, 6-8pm. In the event of rain, we will still get together to chat by the outdoor bar

Youth Group Weenie Roast

Youth Group Weenie Roast

Students in 5th-12th grades are invited to Pastor Sharp’s house on Friday, September 27th for a weenie roast in the backyard. Parents are welcome to stay or drop their kids off from 5:30-8:30 pm.

Youth Group Hike

Youth Group Hike

Junior High and High School students please join us on Sunday, September 22nd at Carpenter Park from 12:30-2:30pm for lunch, hike, and a devotion. Bring a sack lunch to Carpenter Park (1 Carpenter Park Trl, Springfield, IL). After lunch we will go for about a 30 minute hike, stop for a devotion, and

Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study

Join Deaconess Sharp as she begins a new Women’s Bible Study. This will be a Women of the Bible based study, to dive deep into scripture and focus on our vocations. All women in the congregation and the school families are invited to join!There are two opportunities to attend during the 3rd week of

LUHI Brunch

LUHI Brunch

Please join us for the Lutheran High Sunday Brunch on October 6th from 10:45-1:00. The Brunch is sponsored by the Foundation for Excellence. The Brunch will be held in the Parish Hall. Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for children ages 6-12, children under 5 are free. Proceeds will benefit the Tr

Lutheran Women in Mission

Lutheran Women in Mission

Ladies at Trinity, looking for ways to get involved? The Lutheran Women in Mission (LWML) groups at Trinity will be starting their meetings in September and run through May.Women with Mission – Our group focuses on Bible study and fellowship, supporting a variety of organizations in the Springfield

Adult Choir is Starting

Adult Choir is Starting

Choir Season is here! High school age and older members of Trinity are invited to join the Adult Choir. The choir will resume rehearsals on Wednesday, September 4, 7:00 – 8:30 pm in the church balcony. Come and be a part of the music ministry of Trinity Lutheran Church. Contact Laura Fliege, lfliege

Men’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want…” – Psalm 23Join us on the 3rd Saturday of each month at 9:30 am in the lobby of the downtown campus for a time of fellowship and study of God’s Word. We will be starting a new book, “A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23”. Travel the Shepherd’s path to the green pa

Bible Study Opportunity

Bible Study Opportunity

Saints of Trinity, as God’s people, we are called to gather together to study His Word and build one another up, to grow in faith and ready ourselves for the mission field. To that end, we are pleased to begin offering additional opportunities to gather around the Word. Starting this Fall, Trinity L